Gratitude, gratefulness and appreciation have proven to be amongst the most powerful of human emotions. This is where you’ll learn more about gratitude.

13 Most Popular Gratitude Exercises & Activities
We usually show our gratitude to others when we feel indebted to them, when we have benefitted from their actions, and when we want to [...]

The 32 Best TED Talks And Videos on The Power of Gratitude
Here at, we have recently been discussing the power of gratitude from a variety of angles. Whether you have been following along all month [...]
17 Great Books About Gratitude & Oliver Sacks Gratitude Book
Gratitude is good for us physically and mentally. Research shows while being grateful is linked to feelings of joy and contentment, it also improves sleep, [...]
Gratitude Meditation: A Simple but Powerful Intervention
Gratitude meditation is a type of meditation which, as the name suggests, focuses on gratitude. This article will define gratitude meditation, discuss some of its [...]
Gratitude Journal: 66 Templates & Ideas for Daily Journaling
Gratitude is like most desirable traits and qualities in that it is usually not enough to simply decide to be grateful—we must actively practice it [...]
Benefits of Gratitude: 28+ Surprising Research Findings
We recently posted an article about how to incorporate a regular practice of gratitude into your life. It includes some excellent tips, ideas, and exercises [...]
The #1 Reason Why We Want More And More (And More)
The #1 thing that holds people back from having a smoothe-as-honey lifestyle, where you can just get up, feel great, and connect with other people [...]
What is Gratitude and Why Is It So Important?
When you feel down in the dumps or find yourself in a funk, how do you cope? Do you turn to junk food, self-medication, shopping, [...]