Grief & Bereavement
Here you will find academic articles and resources to help those who have been affected by grief.

The Psychology of Grief: The 4 Stages Explained
Grief is characterized by a contradiction. On one hand, it is a complex and painful maelstrom of thoughts and emotions triggered by the loss of [...]

Helping Kids Cope With Grief: 6+ Tips to Support Children
Losing a loved one is never easy. For children, losing someone they love can be even more difficult because they are not only trying to [...]
What Is ACT? The Hexaflex Model and Principles Explained
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third-wave Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that can be a breath of fresh air for coaches and therapists. Third-wave CBT [...]
43 Empowering Resilience & Adversity Quotes to Inspire You
Insightful quotes on resilience can inspire and motivate you to dig deeper and find your more resilient self while encouraging you to explore the vast [...]
Repressing Emotions: 10 Ways to Reduce Emotional Avoidance
Emotions are part of who we are; however, many of us have a difficult relationship with negative emotions. We consider them uncomfortable and problematic. As [...]
Maladaptive Coping: 15 Examples & How to Break the Cycle
I know I’m procrastinating. I’ve checked my email twice and scrolled through social media for more than an hour. And yet, I’m still writing the [...]
12 Radical Acceptance Worksheets For Your DBT Sessions
“Wasn’t me!” she said with a guilty smile. Denial is a powerful defense mechanism. Some people rely more heavily on denial in a crisis situation [...]
Humor in Psychology: Coping and Laughing Your Woes Away
The belief that laughter heals the mind has been around for centuries. And why not? Humor just feels good; it distracts us from our problems [...]
What Is Post-Traumatic Growth? (+ PTG Inventory & Scale)
Experiencing trauma is an almost inevitable part of life—and typically, outside of our control. And yet, ultimately, even the harshest, most traumatic events can lead [...]
What Is Emotional Resilience? (+6 Proven Ways to Build It)
How do you collect yourself after a stressful event? Emotional resilience is when you are able to calm your frantic mind after encountering a negative [...]