Stress & Burnout Prevention
Help others better manage stress, create a healthier work-life balance and identify burnout warning signs to stop overwhelm before it becomes unmanageable.

How to Treat Panic Attacks: 6 Exercises and Techniques
Panic attacks can seem as challenging to treat as they are to control. However, with a systematic approach and adherence to a few simple techniques, [...]

How to Prevent Burnout in the Workplace: 20 Strategies
Burnout is recognized as a break between what people are and what they have to do, and it is typically experienced as emotional exhaustion or [...]
How to Recover From Burnout With 14 Exercises & Treatments
Does your client complain about feeling emotionally exhausted, uninvested in their work, and questioning their career decisions and abilities? If so, they might be experiencing [...]
What Are Panic Attacks? 20 Signs, Symptoms, and Causes
If you’ve ever experienced a heart-racing, heavy breathing, out-of-control episode that is overwhelming to the point of feeling like you have to flee, you have [...]
15 Behavioral Activation Worksheets for Depression & Anxiety
Behavioral activation (BA) is a standalone therapeutic treatment typically used to help people with depression. At its core, BA aims to enable individuals to reengage [...]
Warning Signs of Burnout: 11 Reliable Tests & Questionnaires
Do you know the story about the frog in a pot? As the story goes, if a frog is placed in a pot of water, [...]
What Is Burnout? 16 Signs and Symptoms of Excessive Stress
Feeling stressed, tired, or anxious about work is not unusual, but burnout can cause decreased physical and psychological health. Specifically, individuals who report experiencing burnout [...]
How to Relax: Best Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety
Your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing, and you can’t think clearly. Anxiety is an emotional, cognitive, or behavioral response to an uncertain threat...
What Are Distress Tolerance Skills? Your Ultimate DBT Toolkit
Whether perceived or actual, emotional stress is challenging to deal with, especially for some people with a trauma history. This inability may significantly worsen during [...]
16 Effective Stress-Management Activities and Worksheets
With scattered thoughts, sweaty palms, and my heart beating like a drum, I glance at the door and cannot remember anything I prepared. The interview [...]