Therapy Exercises
Here you will find articles containing exercises, activities, and interventions to use in your client coaching or therapy sessions.

Schema Therapy For Practitioners: 7 Questionnaires and Tests
Measurement and analysis are crucial to successful treatment in Schema Therapy. Having an awareness of the client’s schemas, needs, and the childhood experiences that underpin [...]

15 Art Therapy Activities & Ideas for Kids (Incl. PDF)
When was the last time you picked up a paintbrush or a colored pencil? Maybe it’s been a while, but what about the last time [...]
Anxiety Therapy: Types, Techniques, and Worksheets
Suffering from anxiety generally involves worry, fear, and rumination about the future. Such anticipatory anxiety makes enjoying each moment a difficult endeavor. Unfortunately, anxiety disorders [...]
21 Therapy Interventions and Techniques to Apply Today
With stress, anxiety, and depression at epidemic levels across the world, therapy has become more commonplace. Therapy is available in schools, hospitals, and even churches. [...]
23 Post Traumatic Growth Worksheets for Therapy (+PDF)
We’ve all heard the saying ‘what does not kill you makes you stronger.’ Post Traumatic Growth, or PTG, explains how trauma survivors can not only [...]
15 Music Therapy Activities and Tools
Sometimes, good coffee and good music are all that we need to unwind. Music touches all aspects of our lives – physical, emotional, psychological, and [...]
7 Solution-Focused Therapy Techniques and Worksheets (+PDF)
Traditional therapy has historically been problem-focused. It has analyzed a person’s problems from where they started and how those problems have an effect on that [...]
20 Positive Psychotherapy Exercises, Sessions and Worksheets
Positive psychotherapy: the term almost seems self-contradictory. The word “psychotherapy” often evokes images of nerve-wracked patients reclining on couches, a stern therapist with furrowed brows [...]
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy: 21 ACT Worksheets (+ PDF)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a “third-wave” cognitive behavioral intervention aimed at enhancing our psychological flexibility (Hayes et al., 2006). Rather than suppress or [...]
Self-Therapy for Anxiety & Depression (Incl Questions + PDF)
Self-therapy refers broadly to the idea of treating one’s own emotional or psychological problems, without the assistance of a therapist. But what does it really [...]