Positive CBT
Positive cognitive-behavioral therapy, or positive CBT is the integration of positive psychology applications within the cognitive-behavioral therapy model.

What Is Wellbeing Therapy & How Does It Work?
Psychotherapy has traditionally been focused on healing people and bringing them up to their usual level of functioning. While addressing psychological ailments is crucial for [...]

Thought Records in CBT: 7 Examples and Templates
The idea that our thoughts determine how we feel and behave is the cornerstone of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The good news is that by helping [...]
Catastrophizing and Decatastrophizing: A Comprehensive Guide
If your imagination has ever run amok, dragging you through a repeat cycle of worst possible scenarios, then you likely understand the concept of ‘catastrophizing.’ [...]
16 Decatastrophizing Tools, Worksheets, and Role-Plays
In moments of panic, we often assume the worst will happen. However, when we continually overestimate the likelihood of disaster and doubt our ability to cope, [...]
20 Best Therapy Podcasts to Inspire Practitioners
While psychotherapists come from many different backgrounds and practice in various settings, they all benefit from initial and ongoing training. Podcasts provide a valuable and [...]
What Is a Functional Analysis of Behavior in CBT?
Behaviors do not occur in isolation. In order to change a behavior, we need to understand why we act that way in the first place. [...]
What Is Cognitive Bias? 7 Examples & Resources (Incl. Codex)
We are often presented with situations in life when we need to make a decision with imperfect information, and we unknowingly rely on prejudices or [...]
5 REBT Techniques, Exercises, and Worksheets
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a style of short-term Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that was developed in the 1950s by a doctor named Albert Ellis [...]
What Is Mental Contrasting and How Can We Benefit From It?
If you’ve ever wondered… What’s with all the hype about positive thinking? … you’re not alone. Self-help movements have touted the benefits of visualization and [...]
What Is Positive CBT? Positive Psychology in Therapy
What comes to mind when you hear the word “therapy”? Most people have the vision of what we see in the movies, a doctor seated [...]