Strengths & Virtues
Everyone has a characteristic set of strengths and virtues, that is, things that they are naturally “good” or “strong” on. Research in Positive Psychology suggests that there are (at least) 24 strengths and virtues that are recognized in most cultures.

Intuition Training: 5 Exercises to Strengthen Intuition
What made you decide to read this article? Perhaps you saw the title and just had a gut feeling that it would prove useful to [...]

Perseverance in Psychology: Meaning, Importance & Books
Perseverance refers to our ability to pursue a goal or passion over time, and stick with it if we encounter obstacles or setbacks. In the [...]
What Is Altruism in Psychology? 8 Inspiring Examples
Around the world, people give up time, money, and energy every day to improve the lives of others. It can be as simple as helping [...]
What Is Humility & Why Is It Important? (Incl. Examples)
At first sight, the ancient virtue of humility is not a particularly appealing one. Deriving from the word humus (earth), it appears to clash with [...]
What Is Intuition and Why Is It Important? 5 Examples
Intuition is that feeling in your gut when you instinctively know that something you are doing is right or wrong. Or it’s that moment when [...]
Fostering Creativity: 12 Strategies to Boost Creative Skills
Creativity has been valued throughout human history. It has also been called “the skill of the future” (Powers, 2018). This is partly because creativity helps [...]
Strength-Spotting Interviews: 20+ Questions and Techniques
How often have we asked ourselves: Who am I? The existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre spent most of his career pondering similar questions, ultimately believing that [...]
10+ Ways to Build Character Strengths at Work (& Examples)
Love? That was not what I expected. According to the results of the Character Strength test, my top five strengths are: Love Curiosity Love of [...]
Personal Strengths Defined (+ List of 92 Personal Strengths)
In my work with young people, we often talk about their ideas of personal strengths and weaknesses. One of the exercises we begin with asks [...]
VIA Character Strengths & Survey: 31 Ways to Spot Strengths
In positive psychology, cultivating and using our personal strengths is an integral part of striving for “the good life” – very roughly speaking, the pursuit [...]